
Saturday, October 28, 2017

I have arrived... My Time on Top of MY Totem Pole

Hi all ~ thanks for coming back! If this is your first time stopping by, Welcome! Thank you for spending some time with me!

Hmmm, TIME. Have you ever stopped to wonder, truly wonder, about TIME?

I mean, do any of us have enough of it? I typically feel like I don't or like its running out. (#sandthruthehourglass comes to mind, )

Time is referred to in so many different ways. Time is yours to keep or to share. Either you have time or you don't.  Either you make time or you don't. Time is free on one hand but on the other, its the most  invaluable gift everyone has.

Truth is either you master it or it masters you. Right?

BTW web friends, This is not one of those posts that give you time saving tips or scheduling advice. Sorry, not gonna find those here... This is just the deep thoughts of a former wild child who kinda almost reluctantly grew up. One who gets lost in timeless thoughts when life gets hectic.

See, I do this kinda evaluation thing. It's personal, it's beneficial and it helps me to keep my perspective on the big picture. (Not all pictures are created equal so please keep in mind this is just me... rambling..... Maybe someone can glean something insightful from my yesterdays for their tomorrows)

I've read (and I'm sure you have too) successful people manage their time while unsuccessful people do not.  What does that mean? Does this mean I have to stay glued to a schedule? Mapping every moment of every hour of every day? Living in 15 minute increments?

Um, hell no! Not this girl.  However, I have learned that rather you stick to your day planner or schedule on the fly; everyone could benefit if they were able to feel like they manage their time wisely. I feel better already! LOL...

Time is valuable. Rather (Cha Ching) supporting your family or sitting for a spell listening to the rambling of an elder sharing stories of days gone by. Maybe its babysitting for your baby who needs rest after having their own baby. (sigh) Or perhaps just listening to your spouse grumble about their day.

The point is it all takes TIME. I know I am not alone in this way of thinking. We've all been at one or more life stages and we've seen first hand how time literally flies.

I experienced this time flight after becoming a parent.. I mean geez, didn't it take forever to reach driving age? Graduation? College? And the next thing, WHAM, marriage, kids, jobs - time never stands still. But it kinda does, right.. and we know this because we never truly see it happen until your young man is in a tux for prom or your young lady is wearing high heels (and it's not to play dress up) Or, we lose an aging parent way before we ever imagined.

Time is a gift!

There are so many of us that give much of ourselves to others. Family, career, friends. Yes, time spent with others is usually spent wisely (#memories) but we forget to also give our-self permission to have quality down TIME. Me time. Remember free time?

Down time is productive time by the way. Down time allows us to unwind. Relax. Breath. Down time regenerates us from the inside out & I consider it almost as important as sleeping! To me, being wise with my time is being productive. Productiveness is me feeling accomplished with anything being one step closer to completion AND sometimes productiveness is just making myself sit in my chair binge watching TV while drinking my coffee in my jammies on the 3rd Saturday of the month! (don't judge 😊)

My reality of how precious time is seriously hit home when my parents, within 6 months of each other, were diagnosed with Alzheimer and dementia.  Can you say "Oh Shit!"? I sure did. Daily. And often. For the next several years. It was during those years, that I learned one must manage time and do so as wisely as possible.

Another BTW, 'wisely' is my way to say 'no regrets'. Regrets suck! #Wisdom. 

Fast forward a few years.... Today, both parents have passed. All kids have grown and now have kids of their own. And now it's my time on top of MY totem pole.  It just means that I have lived. I have brought life and have lost life. I have been elevated by nature to the top of my totem pole by those who have come after me. And while someday I know I will be replaced, until then, I have gleaned from this life that time is fleeting, that it is short, that it is hard but mostly it is beautiful and rewarding when invested wisely. "No Regrets" #hindsight #breath #relax

So, What do you spend your time on? Who do you give your time to? How will you look back on today when today becomes tomorrow?  I spend time now gardening, cooking, reading and learning but mostly just enjoying the little things which are truly the big things and my time has never been more productive. Spend your Time enjoying your climb to the top of your totem pole.

Til next time
Domesticated Rebellion

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