
Saturday, April 21, 2018

CBD, More than I bargained for!

TWO-MONTHS! That is how long it's been since my last migraine; that is also how long I have been experimenting with CBD. CBD is legally sold in most states & Grand Opening signs are showing up everywhere. Research supports claim of the extracted compound containing some truly bad-ass medicinal properties; and not just for humans but for our pets too! 

BTW, I say most states because it is a common misconception CBD is legal nationwide; it is not. It is still classified as a Schedule 1 drug in Texas. The Compassionate Use Act of 2015 allowed the set up of Texas dispensaries to be licensed for cultivation, production and distribution but only to uncontrollable epilepsy patients and only prescribed by physicians meeting extreme licensing criteria relative to the study/treatment of epilepsy.  Statewide in Texas there are only 18 physicians who are licensed to prescribe its use and only 3 licensed dispensaries. (Texas Tribune Feb 2018)

So what is CBD?
CannabidiolCBD—is a cannabis compound that has significant medical benefits, but does not make people feel “stoned” and can actually counteract the psycho-activity of THC. The fact that CBD-rich cannabis is non-psychoactive or less psychoactive than THC-dominant strains makes it an appealing option for patients looking for relief from inflammationpainanxietypsychosisseizures, spasms, and other conditions without disconcerting feelings of lethargy or dysphoria.
I've never kept it a secret that I'm a supporter of all things cannabis.  The classification of the plant has never been substantiated with evidence to support claims of it being a "gateway to stronger drugs, the cause of Jekyll & Hyde traits, or creating a lust for  violence". Quite the contrary; instead of violence you might lust after the remote control, your bed or a box of Pretzel Flips but...

Oh wait, that is the THC effect ;) (LOL)

Dislike or approve, this post isn't about legalizing marijuana for the THC. It's about the natural Cannabidiol extracted from the plant for medicinal purposes. Based on my own history, I can say I have never experienced the medicinal properties of CBD ~ until now. Before CBD, I was averaging at least one migraine a month. I refer to migraines because of the varying severity; one could disable me anywhere from a few hours to a few days. If medical attention is sought for relief, then the 'hangover' effect is felt for a day or so depending on which 'cocktail' is prescribed. UGH! And for the record, it isn't JUST the lack of migraines that has me sharing my experience.. It's that since I took my very first 60 ml dropper containing 250mg CBD (THC Free)...

My body no longer achesAnywhere ~ and within only a few minutes.

See, after making our purchase we took our first dose in the parking lot. Directly after, we headed to the grocery just down the road where I shopped the entire store without ever touching my back from soreness or stiffness. Yippy Damn Skippy! My hips did not ache! I'm almost reluctant to accept this. My brain is having a hard time processing that I'm not aching. Unbelievable - almost inconceivable yet very, very true. Needless to say, since day 1, I have continued a rate of 2 droppers/day (AM / PM). This regimen appears to be more than adequate in relieving not only my headaches but also my lower back pain, joint pain and lately I've noticed my appetite has decreased. I seem to have consistent energy and my sleep pattern appears to be mellowing back to somewhat of a norm. I am not exaggerating either. Quite literally, I don't feel old anymore! :)

I'm amazed at my own results and I will continue conducting my own research. Posting my own conclusions for educational and informational purposes about natural alternatives to traditional big pharma companies. The links below are popular and informative so you the reader can further your own knowledge base and be informed.

I would be interested in hearing from you if you have tried CBD & how it has helped you? Did you get more than you bargained for?

Below are links I found to be educational containing the most informative research:

PSA:  I am not an affiliate for any CBD manufacturer or distributor nor am I being paid for any statements contained within this writing. This is my personal testimony of my experience using CBD.

Til Next Time ~
Domesticate Rebellion

THRIVING ~ Have you witnessed the testimonies? It’s not about weight loss; it IS about feeling better from the inside out! If interested I would love to help you! Knowledge is Power! Sign-up for a FREE account & information at
  • DISCLAIMER: This post may contain affiliate links meaning if you click & buy, I may be compensated. So, Thank you!

Thursday, April 5, 2018

Roasted Tomatoes


I know its been a minute since I last posted but see, we have these lil peoples that sometimes like to visit 'the farm'. 
Not our littles but 'Grand Littles'... Hmm, catchy... 
Remember you heard it here 1st if it becomes a thing.  :)  

So, we've had a few of our grands out sporadically over the past couple of weeks. Assisting this Mimi in getting into the Spring of things... We cooked, we gardened, we explored & hunted, and we painted rocks. We had lazy mornings, some cReAtiVe afternoons, and fun evenings ending late into the night. 

But alas, giggles, grins, and all things 'grand' come to an end as they go back home returning to friends, school and routine ~ leaving the hubs and I to return to our less structured but nonetheless routine as well.


I'm sure some of you can relate that after a couple of weeks of consuming more than our fair share of pizza, mac & cheese, waffles with 
whipped cream, chili dogs, chicken nuggets and s'mores


(and more) my body is demanding what it has been lacking: Some healthy! Yes, we ARE those kind of Mimi/Papa's and Yes, I seriously feel like a Weeble...

"🎼Weebles wobble ♪ but ♪ we don't fall down ♪."   

Perusing the isles of the market the other day we spotted some beautiful plump hot-house tomatoes & I just had to have them. 
They screamed to me: "SPRING IS HERE".  
I was hoping to find some inspiration for a light yet filling dinner & here it was.  

Now, I'm not a science guru so don't get all nerdy on me because I'm not 100% sure just how 'healthy' tomatoes are. 
what I do know is we love them and they are not full of sugar or carbs. 
So in my book - that's healthy enough for tonight! I'll consult Google on the matter later tho. ;)

We made it home with our purchases in hand and a grumble in our stomach. 
It didn't take long to prep & pop these babies in the oven. 
Easy Peasy folks!

Imagine if you can... 


Tomatoes roasting, sizzling in EVOO, complete with garlic, basil, rosemary, thyme and oregano... 
Scrumptious bits bursting with flavor in each mouth-watering bite! 
Just enough tang to get your jaw to slightly clinch initiating your saliva glands into some double duty action. 

AhHaha Yes, you DO know! :)

However, no one eats just tomatoes for dinner! 
Although fresh fruits serve as a delightful snack the hubs requires a bit more substance in his meal 
so these beauties were paired with some polenta to complete our light but yet filling dinner!


Polenta is a dish that originated in Italy. It is a dish of boiled cornmeal that was historically made from other grains. It may be served as a hot porridge/cereal, or it may be allowed to cool and solidify into a loaf that can be baked, fried, or grilled.  

I always use the brand Bob Mills

Food for Thought: I originally believed polenta & grits were the same. They are not. 
Polenta is yellow corn while grits are white corn, specifically hominy
(Ah ha, that explains my dislike of grits!)

To make this preheat oven to 425 degrees and gather up:
  • 4-5 ripe tomatoes, slice & lay out on a sheet pan lined with foil/parchment or a Silpat 
  • 2-3 Tbs EVOO to drizzle over all
  • 1-2 cloves of garlic, minced & sprinkled evenly over each slice
  • Mix together 1 tsp each: Rosemary, Thyme, Oregano and Basil (or use 1 1/2 Tbs Italian herb mixture) and sprinkle over each tomato slice
  • Salt & pepper to liking
Roast tomatoes for 30-45 minutes. Plenty of time to prepare the polenta your favorite way and shred some parmesan cheese. 

MMMmmm, Our belly's said "Thank you"!  Do you like roasted tomatoes? Let me know what you would pair with them.

Note to Self: One thing for sure, Grands remind me that I am not as young as I once was but I am as young as I ever will be again! <3

Til Next Time,
Domesticated Rebellion

THRIVING ~ Have you witnessed the testimonies? It's not about weight loss; it IS about feeling better from the inside out! If interested I would love to help you! Sign-up for a free account at
  • DISCLAIMER: This post may contain affiliate links meaning if you click & buy, I may be compensated. So, Thank you!